Become a Bridge Builder
Providing Humanitarian Aid to Haiti

To not only supply the physical needs of food, shelter, clothing, and education. But also to address the need for love, touch, and hope for the people of Haiti.
Our Mission
Our Mission
What We Do
Bridge the Gap
Between caring people and people in need. To not only supply the physical needs of food, shelter, clothing, and education, but also to address the need for love, touch, and hope for the people of Haiti.

Our Story
"Ke nan Ke" means ‘heart to heart;' it's our mission. We believe there are thousands of caring people willing to share with people in need…they just need to see the need.

Our Causes
With your help we can provide meals, clean water, housing, education, clothing and medical services for the underserved kids in Haiti is our passion!

Ke Nan Ke is about bridging the hearts of those more fortunate with those who are less fortunate. There is no better way to achieve that connection than to visit Haiti.
Thank you for Your Generous Support
Explore Causes
Our mission outreach starts with two fully functioning Children's Home complexes, a School for the local community, English as a Second Language classes, a place for the local neighborhood kids to come play after school with a soccer field, a medical clinic, and everything in between.

Brock House - Children's Home


Medical Clinic

Transition House

Feeding the Children

The Hill

Water truck

Tents to houses

English school

Lona Jane Pavilion and Playground Memorial
Our founder, Terry Brian’s, mother in law, ‘Lona Jane’ , has faithfully given so that several of our HAITI KIDS could celebrate their birthdays. Their birthday should not be ‘just another day’ but it should be celebrated as a special day was her belief.
She passed away in March 2017 and we would like to extend her vision of birthday celebration to the kids of The Brock House. We built the Lona Jane Birthday Pavilion & Playground in her memory so that all the children in the Children’s Home can celebrate their special day. For almost a year, we have been celebrating birthdays! We paint the names of the kids who are celebrating that month on the wall at the beginning of the month and then we have a Birthday Party at the end of the month.
Our Impact
Thank you for Your Generous Support
Together we give
Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time.
🏫 Build and maintain schools, ensuring every child has access to quality education.
🏥 Deliver critical healthcare services and medicines to those in need.
💧 Provide clean water sources, preventing waterborne diseases and promoting good health.
🌱 Foster sustainable community development, creating lasting change.
By making a donation today, you are becoming a part of our Bridge Building family, standing in solidarity with the resilient people of Haiti. Together, we can bring about positive change and give the gift of hope to those who need it most.
Meet the Team
Our lives are forever changed because you cannot un-see Haiti.

Terry Brian

Terry Brian
Have you ever had one of those days that changes everything? Since living in Haiti, I have had two such days. The first—January 12, 2010—the day the earth shook in Haiti. The second—February 8, 2012—the day I realized children were starving two houses down from where I lived. For me personally, I believe February 8th was the most impacting event of my life. My husband and I had been missionaries for nearly 20 years. We had lived in Haiti for almost 10 years. We thought we were doing everything we were supposed to be doing as missionaries, as Christians, and as human beings. We found out that day we had drastically fallen short. That was the beginning of Ke Nan Ke (Bridging Hearts). We realized the task was too great for Ron & Terry Brian. We needed to connect the hearts of caring people with the hearts of the people in need. We are still missionaries….but now we are also addressing the physical needs of the people, too. Food, shelter, medical care, education and a loving touch for everyone we can reach has become our goal. Thank you for helping us bridge the gap.

Heather Dempsey
I have known the Brian’s my entire life, and their work in Haiti is nothing short of extraordinary. It is their heartbeat. I made my first visit to Haiti in 2013. I traveled to Haiti thinking I could help change lives- it was my life that ended up being changed. Witnessing children climb over one another, fighting for a peanut butter sandwich, is an image that will be forever engrained in my memory. After being submerged in their society, coming back to the United States was a feeling I could not prepare for. The only thing that separated me from them, was the fact that I was born in the United States- a thought that seemed grossly unfair to me. Ke Nan Ke is a resource that helps provide safety, shelter, food and education to those who otherwise have no chance. It bridges the connection between the hearts that have love to share, with the hearts who so desperately need love shown to them.

Jill Barnes
There are things that we take for granted in the United States. Like children playing on a playground and public education. Unfortunately these aren’t the norm in Haiti. I lived and worked in Port au Prince for three years from 2012-15. During that time I witnessed the gross inequalities first hand. Children provided a lunch would save a portion of their meal for later in the day when they would be hungry again. Ke Nan Ke provides opportunities for education and group play in a safe environment, works to fight hunger and much more. Every interaction makes a difference in the life of a child.

Melanie Brinkman
My first exposure to the people of Haiti was through my husband’s pictures of his own visit with a friend. He came back with lots of stories that were heartbreaking. We both wanted to help so we started working with KeNanKe and went back to Haiti together. I thought I was prepared for what I would experience. I was not. Seeing, smelling and being in their world was a tremendous jolt. I remember walking through the locked gate into an orphanage with 20 plus children swarming me. They had never seen me before, but they all wanted to be hugged. There were only 2 beds in the building so they slept on the cement floor. There was an outdoor toilet with no walls for privacy. The children were thin and anxious to get the food we were bringing. We didn’t speak the same language, but we laughed and played all afternoon. They all suffered for so much, but they leaned into the joy of the moment. It was such a gift to me. I wanted to help them, but they were giving me something so much bigger. I continue to work with KeNanKe to give the impoverished people of Haiti hope of better days with food, beds and education.
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